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Featured photos

2007-04-28, 2007-11-17 Suncuius
2007-04-28, 2007-11-17 Suncuius (28th April 2007 - 35 photos)
Bear Cave - Chiscau
Bear Cave - Chiscau (4th October 2003 - 16 photos)
Bucsoiul Mare, Omu Peak - Bucegi Mountains
Bucsoiul Mare, Omu Peak - Bucegi Mountains (10th August 2005 - 24 photos)
Tureni Gorges - Trascau Mountains
Tureni Gorges - Trascau Mountains (13th September 2009 - 24 photos)
Tree-mold cave - Calimani Mountains
Tree-mold cave - Calimani Mountains (8th July 2006 - 12 photos)

Featured videos

Via ferrata - Tatabánya
Via ferrata - Tatabánya
I climbed Kata! Who is Kata?
Wild Ferenc iron path - Suhardul Mic
Wild Ferenc iron path - Suhardul Mic
While I climbed the new iron path mostly in the dark for the first time, this time I managed to explore it during the day. But I still missed the sunset by a few minutes.
Trümmelbach-fälle - Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Trümmelbach-fälle - Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
The Trümmelbach Waterfalls are a series of ten cascades partially located inside the belly of the mountain, near Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. Infrastructure has been established to enable tourist access to the waterfalls.
Trift valley, bridge, lake and glacier - Gadmen, Switzerland
Trift valley, bridge, lake and glacier - Gadmen, Switzerland
During the hike in Trift Valley, I experienced cloudy and gloomy weather with intermittent rain. Here is the 170 m long Trift Bridge, the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the Swiss Alps, in a breathtaking environment, 100 meters above the Trift Glacier Lake.
The Heart of Jesus look-out - Lupeni
The Heart of Jesus look-out - Lupeni
Through the mud on Gordon Mountain, above Farkaslaka (Lupeni commune, Harghita county, Transilvania), on a cloudy afternoon, at the end of February. The destination is the Heart of Jesus lookout, nicknamed as Pléhkrisztus (The Tin Christ).
Aareschlucht - Meiringen-Innertkirchen, Switzerland
Aareschlucht - Meiringen-Innertkirchen, Switzerland
The Aareschlucht is a 1400-meter long, 200-meter deep gorge of the Aare river, near Innertkirchen, Switzerland. It has two entrances, one from Meiringen in the west, and one from Innertkirchen in the east, which lead into the narrow, but stunning gorge.
Mammuthöhle - Dachstein Salzkammergut, Austria
Mammuthöhle - Dachstein Salzkammergut, Austria
The first station of the Dachstein Krippenstein cable car, which starts in Obertraun, in the southern part of Lake Hallstatt, is Schönbergalm. Here you can find the Ice Cave and the Mammoth Cave.
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"Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time."
When venturing into the great outdoors, it is not only important to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also to leave minimal impact. The principles of Leave No Trace provide valuable guidelines for outdoor enthusiasts to follow, ensuring that natural areas remain preserved for future generations.

One fundamental principle is to plan ahead and prepare. Before setting off, conduct thorough research to understand the area's regulations, weather, and terrain. This way, you'll be equipped with the necessary knowledge and gear, reducing the risk of harm to both yourself and the environment.

Traveling and camping on durable surfaces is another crucial aspect of Leave No Trace. Stick to established trails and campsites, as trampling vegetation can disrupt fragile ecosystems. By treading lightly, you'll help preserve the natural beauty, that drew you to the area in the first place.

Proper waste disposal is a non-negotiable principle. Always carry out, what you carry in, leaving no trace of your visit. Pack all trash, including food scraps, and dispose of it in designated areas. If you encounter waste left behind by others, do your part by picking it up, and disposing of it properly as well.

To minimize the use and impact of fire, follow guidelines from park and forest. Use fire rings, keep fires small, completely extinguishing them before leaving the area. Use portable stoves to minimize ecological impact and preserve landscapes for future generations.

Respecting wildlife is essential to maintaining ecological balance. Observe animals from a distance, avoiding any interference with their natural behavior. Feeding wildlife may harm their health and disrupt their natural food sources. Remember, you are a guest in their home, so treat them with the utmost respect.

To minimize your impact, it is crucial to leave nature as you found it. Avoid removing plants, rocks or other natural objects as souvenirs. Respect historical or cultural sites, by refraining from touching or removing anything. By leaving these cultural treasures intact, you allow others to experience their beauty and historical value.

Be considerate of others, respect fellow visitors and the environment. By practicing good trail etiquette, such as yielding to others, packing out trash, and minimizing noise, we can create a more enjoyable and sustainable experience for everyone, while protecting the natural beauty we have come to appreciate.

Lastly, the key to Leave No Trace is being mindful of your actions and their potential consequences. Enjoy the natural beauty around you, but do so responsibly. Leave No Trace principles are not limited to the wilderness. They can be applied anywhere, from city parks to beachside getaways.

By following these principles, you can contribute to the preservation of our environment for generations to come. Embrace the Leave No Trace mindset, and share these principles with fellow adventurers. Together, we can enjoy the outdoors, while leaving minimal impact to the planet where we live. [ Top ↑ ]
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