Lookout - Kis-Tubes - Western Mecsek

The lookout platform at Kis-Tubes, located at an altitude of 577 meters, was built in 1959, and offers a magnificent panorama of Pécs at the foot of the hills. The concrete lookout, situated on the western side of the Kis-Tubes peak along the ridge connecting Misina to Tubes, was designed by Tibor Kiss.
Hiking - Hungary
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Photos of nearby places

Slunjcica - Rastoke, Slunj - Croatia
Slunjcica - Rastoke, Slunj - Croatia (12 photos) 231.29 km away
The Slunjcica river is situated in central Croatia, flowing through the Kordun region. The city of Slunj is named after this river.
Plitvice Lakes - Croatia
Plitvice Lakes - Croatia (60 photos) 242.54 km away
The Plitvice Lakes National Park is the oldest and largest national park in Croatia. It is located in a mountainous region between Mala Kapela and Licka Pljesivica.
Mariazell climbing route, Felix's Celestial Ladder, Devil's Bridge - Climbing Park Spielmäuer
Mariazell climbing route, Felix's Celestial Ladder, Devil's Bridge - Climbing Park Spielmäuer (60 photos) 281.29 km away
Climbing Park Spielmäuer - Mariazell climbing route, Felix's Celestial Ladder, Devil's Bridge (Kletterpark Spielmäuer - Mariazeller Steig, Felix Himmelsleiter, Teufelsbrücke) - Wegscheid, Austria.
The Devil's Bridge (Teufelsbrücke) - Wegscheid, Austria
The Devil's Bridge (Teufelsbrücke) - Wegscheid, Austria (18 photos) 282.09 km away
The Devil's Bridge, Teufelsbrücke in German, is located just ten kilometers from the city of Mariazell, near the Klettersteigpark Spielmäuer via ferrata park. From the top of the via ferrata park, it is worth taking a detour to the Devil's Bridge, which is located near the starting point of the descent path.
Manita pec cave - Croatia
Manita pec cave - Croatia (21 photos) 292.17 km away
There are 115 caves so far known in the Paklenica National Park, Manita pec is the most famous one, and is open to the public for guided visits. The cave has beautiful chambers, and various cave formations such as stalagmites, stalactites, columns, and flowstones.
Paklenica National Park - Croatia
Paklenica National Park - Croatia (55 photos) 294.72 km away
In 1949, the area of Velika and Mala Paklenica was designated as a national park due to its natural features, forests, and geomorphologic structures. The main purpose was to protect the largest and best-preserved forest complex in Dalmatia, which was at risk from excessive exploitation.
Port of Jablanac - Croatia
Port of Jablanac - Croatia (18 photos) 301.49 km away
Situated in Lika-Senj county, Croatia, Jablanac is a village located beneath the Velebit mountain, overlooking the neighboring island of Rab in the Adriatic Sea. In close proximity to Jablanac are the Velebit mountain and the Northern Velebit National Park.
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Videos of nearby places

Tapolca lake cave - Balaton-felvidéki National Park
Tapolca lake cave - Balaton-felvidéki National Park 104.66 km away
The Tapolca lake cave is situated in the Balaton-felvidéki National Park. A modern visitor center has been constructed at its entrance, featuring ten rooms that highlight the unique characteristics of karst regions.
Castle panorama route, Zoltán Tálos memorial route, Besieger's route - Csesznek
Castle panorama route, Zoltán Tálos memorial route, Besieger's route - Csesznek 141.12 km away
Castle panorama route (D), Zoltán Tálos memorial route (E), Besieger's route (C), Kőmosó-ravine, Csesznek, Veszprém county, Hungary. The via ferratas in Csesznek are suitable for both getting acquainted with climbing, and assessing our capabilities.
Via ferrata - Tatabánya
Via ferrata - Tatabánya 165.86 km away
I climbed Kata! Who is Kata?
Play Wall via ferrata park - Mariazeller via ferrata, Felix's Ladder to the Heaven, Devil's Bridge
Play Wall via ferrata park - Mariazeller via ferrata, Felix's Ladder to the Heaven, Devil's Bridge 281.29 km away
Located only ten kilometers from the town of Mariazell, you'll find the via ferrata park known as the Play Wall (Klettersteigpark Spielmäuer). Here, we find three via ferratas: Olivers Mariazeller Steig (B/C), Felix Himmelleiter (D), and Tristans Kirchbogensteig (C).
Kaiserschild Klettersteig - Eisenerzer Ramsau
Kaiserschild Klettersteig - Eisenerzer Ramsau 302.34 km away
The 2,085-meter-high Kaiserschild peak is situated on the northern edge of the Eisenerz Alps in Styria, Austria. It forms a double summit with the slightly taller Hochkogel peak, which stands at 2,105 meters.

Other places

Vadu Crisului cave 342.69 km away
The Vadu Crisului Cave, with a total length of over 1000 meters, is located in the picturesque gorge of Crisul Repede creek. It consists of a gently meandering, long passage that features an active, stream level next to an upper, fossil level in its first section.
Billy-goat lake, Closed Gates Retezat Mountains 374.74 km away
The most unique ridge trail of the Retezat Mountains is the Closed Gates.Below, at an altitude of 2070 m above sea level, is the Billy-goat lake.
Stan Valley Canyon in winter 502.85 km away
The Stan Valley is a picturesque canyon, even in winter. In fact, when the stream is frozen and covered with a layer of snow, exploring the canyon becomes much quicker and easier.
Byala Reka eco-trail Kalofer 659 km away
The Byala Reka eco-trail is situated at the foot of the Stara Planina mountain range, 8 km from the town of Kalofer. A 1,830-meter-long hiking trail has been established along the White Creek within the Central Balkan National Park.
Trümmelbach-fälle Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland 791.45 km away
The Trümmelbach Waterfalls are a series of ten cascades partially located inside the belly of the mountain, near Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. Infrastructure has been established to enable tourist access to the waterfalls.
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