Pobiti Kamani (Stone Forest) - Slanchevo - video

The Stone Forest of Bulgaria is located 18 km west of Varna, at the foothills of the Eastern Balkan Mountains. Its Bulgarian name, Pobiti Kamani, translates to planted stones, and it is referred to in English as the Stone Desert or Stone Forest. This nature reserve is the only desert in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe, featuring sand dunes and stone columns. Read more
Hiking - Bulgaria
Filmed with GoPro HERO5 Black. Music: Tumult by Kai Engel. Copyright © 2017 - 2025 Geo Trekker Videos.
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Photos of nearby places

Stone Forest - Slanchevo
Stone Forest - Slanchevo (8 photos) 0 km away
Corbu Beach
Corbu Beach (54 photos) 150.69 km away
Pricopanului ridge - Macin Mountains
Pricopanului ridge - Macin Mountains (61 photos) 228.68 km away
Pricopanului ridge is the secondary, but imposing ridge of Macin Mountains, characterized by huge granite formations, lofty rocks and wide sceneries all around. The landscape, as well as the relief is of mountain type, and even if the height of the ridge is apparently small, the ascending effort is slighty sustained.
Badila limestone rocks
Badila limestone rocks (4 photos) 243.83 km away
Buzau Salt
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Stone Mushrooms - Beli Plast
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Mud volcanoes - Berca, Buzau
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Videos of nearby places

Cherven, a medieval fortified town - Bulgaria
Cherven, a medieval fortified town - Bulgaria 142.84 km away
Located about 30 km south of the city of Ruse in Bulgaria, the Cherven medieval fortress can be found in the Rusenski Lom Nature Park. Originally a Byzantine fortification from the 6th century, it reached the height of its development in the 14th century.
Kaya Bunar (Hotnishki Vodopadi, Hotnitsa Waterfall) - Hotnitsa
Kaya Bunar (Hotnishki Vodopadi, Hotnitsa Waterfall) - Hotnitsa 177.89 km away
The Kaya Bunar Waterfall (Hotnishki Vodopadi) is located 20 km from the city of Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria. The waterfall is 30 meters high, and there are several smaller cascades above it.
Buzludzha monument - Kazanluk
Buzludzha monument - Kazanluk 195.85 km away
Buzludzha is a historically significant mountain located in the Central Balkan Mountains of Bulgaria. At its summit, at an altitude of 1432 meters above sea level, there is an abandoned monument.
Shipka pass - Shipka
Shipka pass - Shipka 201.14 km away
The Shipka Pass is one of the most spectacular crossings of the Balkan Mountains, and is part of the Bulgarka Nature Park. It separates the provinces of Gabrovo and Stara Zagora, and provides a connection between the cities of Gabrovo and Kazanlak.
Krushuna waterfalls - Krushuna
Krushuna waterfalls - Krushuna 216.45 km away
The Krushuna Waterfalls are a series of karst cascades formed in travertine. They are located near the village of Krushuna, not far from the town of Lovech, and are Bulgaria's largest waterfall of this type.

Other places

Suchurum waterfall Karlovo 244.29 km away
The 15-meter-high Suchurum Waterfall is located at the foot of the Stara Planina mountain range, 1 km north of the town of Karlovo in Bulgaria. It is situated below the Karlovo hydroelectric power plant, on the waters of the Stara Reka stream.
Mammoth Cave (Mammuthöhle) Dachstein Salzkammergut, Obertraun am Hallstättersee 1191.15 km away
The first station of the Dachstein Krippenstein cable car, which starts in Obertraun, in the southern part of Lake Hallstatt, is Schönbergalm. Here you can find the Giant Ice Cave (Rieseneishöhle) and the Mammoth Cave (Mammuthöhle).
Key Gorge (Cheii Gorge, Cheile Cheii) Buila-Vanturarita National Park, Capatana Mountains 364.11 km away
The Key Gorge (Cheii Gorge, Cheile Cheii) is located in the Buila-Vanturarita National Park within the Capatana Mountains. It is one of the most beautiful and picturesque gorges in Romania.
Hot Air Balloon Parade 2018 Campu Cetatii 437.53 km away
This year, the hot air balloons flew low over Campu Cetatii. The weather did not really favor the parade.
Wild Ferenc iron path Suhardul Mic 424.44 km away
While I climbed the new iron path mostly in the dark for the first time, this time I managed to explore it during the day. But I still missed the sunset by a few minutes.
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