Videos of nearby places
Crivadia Gorges 57.26 km away
The Crivadia Gorge is located next to the village of Crivadia, which belongs to Banita. Access is difficult, and the hike is made through the streambed, with water up to the waist at its narrowest point.
Banita Gorges and Banita rock bridge 62.83 km away
They say about this place that only very few people know about it, but that's not true. In fact, most nature lovers have heard of it, seen pictures taken here, even if not everyone has been able to come here.
Bolii Cave - Banita 62.91 km away
The Bolii Cave is located 6 km north of Petrosani, on the road that connects Hateg with the Jiu Valley. Here, the railway line that connects the two parts of Hunedoara County passes through, featuring a total of 66 curves and 8 tunnels.
Other places
Byala Reka eco-trail Kalofer 398.63 km away
The Byala Reka eco-trail is situated at the foot of the Stara Planina mountain range, 8 km from the town of Kalofer. A 1,830-meter-long hiking trail has been established along the White Creek within the Central Balkan National Park.
Handeckfallbrücke, Gelmerbahn, Gelmersee Schweiz 1115.82 km away
Although the path from the Gelmerbahn parking bypasses the Handeckfall waterfall, it is worth descending a few steps from the valley station of the funicular, to reach Handeckfallbrücke. A 70-meter long suspension bridge that hangs 70 meters above the gorge, offering a spectacular view of the waterfall.
The Devil's Iron Path Aussois, Savoy, Rhône Alps 1252.17 km away
The Devil's Iron Path (Via ferrata du Diable) is a multi-part via ferrata, located above a spectacular waterfall (Cascade du Nant), in a gorge, below the Victor-Emmanuel fort. For me, this climbing route presented the greatest challenge so far (2015).
Buzludzha monument Kazanluk 406.95 km away
Buzludzha is a historically significant mountain located in the Central Balkan Mountains of Bulgaria. At its summit, at an altitude of 1432 meters above sea level, there is an abandoned monument.
Blasted Rock (Piatra Puscata) hanging path Cerna Valley 99.74 km away
The Blasted Rock hanging path is located on the geographical right bank of the Cerna River, near the confluence of the Iuta stream, approximately 20 km from Baile Herculane. In this area, the presence of limestone formations has caused the valley to become narrower.