Videos of nearby places
Rudariei watermills - Eftimie Murgu 67.42 km away
I have visited the twenty-two wooden water mills with horizontal wheels, located in the valley of the Rudaria stream, mostly in the rain and under an umbrella. Some of them are still in use today.
Corcoaia Gorges - Gorj county 84.82 km away
The Corcoaia Gorge is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the Cerna Valley. It can be reached by car, 43 km away from Baile Herculane, of which about 17 km is on a dusty gravel road.
Muierii Cave - Baia de Fier 129.1 km away
We visited the Baia de Fier area, and climbed on the rock that also conceals the Women's Cave (Pestera Muierilor). Between two via ferrata routes, we also participated in one of the guided cave tours, which depart every hour.
Other places
Wild Ferenc iron path Suhardul Mic 366.96 km away
While I climbed the new iron path mostly in the dark for the first time, this time I managed to explore it during the day. But I still missed the sunset by a few minutes.
Cherven, a medieval fortified town Bulgaria 286.66 km away
Located about 30 km south of the city of Ruse in Bulgaria, the Cherven medieval fortress can be found in the Rusenski Lom Nature Park. Originally a Byzantine fortification from the 6th century, it reached the height of its development in the 14th century.
Kamenni Gabi (Stone Mushrooms) Beli Plast 368.65 km away
The Stone Mushrooms (Kamenni Gabi) nature reserve in Bulgaria is situated east of the village of Beli Plast, along the road that connects Kardzhali to Haskovo. Spanning an area of 3 hectares, the reserve is home to several mushroom-shaped rock formations.
Dino Parc Rasnov 263.87 km away
On June 12, 2015, one of the largest dinosaur theme parks in the region opened in Rasnov, where we can see 45 life-sized dinosaurs. The facility is located directly next to the Rasnov Fortress, which is one of the best-preserved Transylvanian Saxon peasant fortresses.
Meziad cave Padurea Craiului Mountains 265.81 km away
The Meziad Cave is located near the village of Meziad, 22 km north of Beius, in the Padurea Craiului Mountains. It is one of our first tourist caves, its exploration is associated with the name of Gyula Czárán, cave researcher and writer.